Tantra & Ayurveda

Coming Back Soon: Community Yoga in Saxtons River, VT

at Main Street Arts, 35 Main Street, Saxtons River, VT

Dates & Times TBD

All-levels Hatha Yoga at a sliding scale, $5-$30 per class

*Cash, checks & venmo accepted before or after class each day

All are welcome regardless of ability to pay

Main Street Arts


About Candace, the Yoga Teacher, Practitioner and Student

Candace has been practicing yoga since she was an art student in Philadelphia in 2005. Initially drawn to yoga for fitness’ sake, it quickly became clear to her that the power of movement, mindfulness and breath were affecting her beyond physiologically. She has studied Tantric Hatha in the Sri Vidya tradition since 2008, and completed both her 200 hour certification and 500 hour advanced study through then-San Francisco-based Sri Yoga, with Jean Mazzei and Brenna Geehan.

Sri Yoga focuses on both yoga asana and Tantric philosophy, with emphases on energy management and resplendence. Candace has also taken workshops and studied with grand teacher Pandit Rajmani Tigunait at the Himalayan InstituteYogaRupa Rod Stryker, and the Viniyoga Institute’s Gary Kraftsow. Her studies continue through Katie Silcox’Shakti School of Divine Feminine form Yoga, Tantra and Ayurveda, and with Brooke Sullivan’s Wild Temple school of Herbalism and Tantra.

Tantra is a huge umbrella term for a variety of practices, philosophy, beliefs and world-view. It is one of the most literally holistic approaches to life, physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually and more.  Candace is honored to participate, practice and continually learn more about this ancient school of thought and life. Candace is seeking new studio teaching opportunities in the Green Mountains, Southeastern Vermont, the Berkshires and Southwestern New Hampshire. She taught at Putney Moves in Putney, VT from 2019-2020.

About Her Yoga Classes

Tantric yoga focuses on linking dynamic movement and stillness with the breath, inviting an experience of strength and ease through unification of the physical and energetic bodies. An “all-in” and “yes, and” approach, Tantric yoga incorporates asana, pranayama, meditation, mantra and else. She is also very passionate about Yoga Nidra, a deep relaxation technique and restorative practice through guided savasana meditation. 

Class is taught to all ages, levels of experience and bodies. Modifications are always offered to help support access for aging, injured or differently abled bodies. Requests and questions about the yoga practice are always welcome. 


Ayurveda is a powerful sister science, and art, to the more commonly practiced yoga

asana and meditation. Candace is a 300-Hour Ayurvedic Wellness Coach through 

Katie Silcox‘s Shakti School, certified to provide individual coaching on holistic wellness

and nutrition as part of her offerings as a yoga teacher, spiritual seeker and global

community member.

Student Testimonials

“I really loved, (and miss!), taking yoga classes with Candace whilst at the Vermont studio centre. Candace has a very peaceful but warm demeanor when teaching, and explains moves really well, so I was able to make progress with certain moves I haven’t understood before in other classes!”

Marielle H.
Visual Artist & Educator, London, UK

“I had the pleasure of working with Candace as a yoga instructor at PAFA during the 2017-2018 school year. I cannot say enough good things about her as an instructor. She was knowledgeable, helpful, kind, warm and friendly. She always made the students feel comfortable. Her yoga classes were accessible for the beginner as well as the more seasoned student. I especially liked how she would ask at the beginning of class how everyone was feeling and if there was any particular part of the body that was feeling stressed or tension filled. She would then tailor the class to target this area of the body. I found Candace’s Yoga Nidra classes extremely beneficial to my stress level as a graduate student. Taking this class with her made me feel calmer and more centered. She fostered a sense of community by creating a warm and inviting atmosphere. We started each Yoga Nidra session in a calm slow pace with lots of warm herbal teas and no rushing.  Candace leads with grace, poetry and a voice that is soothing and confident. Her guidance was thoughtful, spiritual and tranquil. I benefited from these sessions greatly. I always left feeling relaxed and rejuvenated. Candace is a very good teacher who gives clear direction in a welcoming and friendly manner.”

Bernadette C.
MFA student, Philadelphia, PA


“Candace is a patient, nurturing and generous teacher who inspired me to explore myself and new forms of Yoga. No matter what class she’s teaching, Yoga Nidra or Tantra Flow, she maintains a consistent and high level of spirit and attention to her teaching that makes each student in her class feel as though she were speaking directly and only to them. I loved every class Candace taught!”

Jessalyn H.
Visual Artist, Portland, OR

“As a non-practitioner of yoga for many years despite years of hearing how wonderful it is, I took the plunge with Candace’s Yoga Nidra class as a resident at the Vermont Studio Center approximately two months ago. Being the high-strung and very anxious couch potato that I am, Yoga Nidra seemed to be the natural first step in my attempt at yoga. Candace made me feel very comfortable and welcome in the yoga studio, as I had to learn to set up my yoga space with my mat and blankets. Her gentle guidance and instruction throughout the process from the beginning to the end was able to help me relax even though I was worried that I was doing it incorrectly. The initial worry seemed to fade with her soothing and kind voice. Afterwards, I felt more rested, less stressed, and refreshed. Candace is an excellent and compassionate teacher, and I would highly recommend taking Yoga Nidra with her. I think I am going to have a hard time finding a teacher like Candace back here at home. She is just so wonderful!!”

Yoshie S.
Visual Artist, Los Angeles, CA

Where Candace has Taught

Main Street Arts

Saxtons River, VT


Putney Moves

Putney, VT


The Vermont Studio Center

Johnson, VT


The Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts

Co-Founder and Teacher of the Free Community Classes through “Yoga at PAFA”

Philadelphia, PA


Yoga Tree

San Francisco, CA


Trulia Headquarters​

Teacher in the Employee Wellness Yoga Program

San Francisco, CA



Teacher in the Employee Wellness Yoga Program

San Francisco, CA


deYoung Museum

Director and Teacher of the Employee Wellness Yoga Program

San Francisco, CA
